Monday, September 14, 2009

If you want a pair of shoes just leave a comment on one of the posts. you need to buy your own pair of shoes and it costs $15 for me to paint them.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Kathlene's Shoes

Kathlene's shoes will be sailboats, sailboats, and more sailboats.

Emily's Shoes

Emily's shoes. Zebras came right out of a mural in Austin painted by Kerry Awn.

Peter Max Love

I want to paint these. Once again the design was inspired by Peter Max

Linda's Shoes

Linda's first pair of shoes and the first shoes i'm selling. yay!! She wants me to paint a different design on each shoe. For this first pair, one shoe is peace sign/tie dye. the other shoe has flowers in the front and a sun in the back.

Peter Max's Sunset

These were inspired by artist Peter Max. They are the third pair of shoes that i have painted.

Valparaiso, Chile

The first pair of shoes i have painted with a design and the second pair of shoes i have painted. my inspiration for these came from a fridge magnet my older sister brought home from Chile. It is a bunch of houses that are all different colors.
The start of my shoe painting career. the solid blue shoes are the first shoes i painted. i painted them for a party at my camp. the are sparkly blue and i love them.